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Now Out: Essay 1098 on 陥 (to fall in), Radical Note 104, and 6 New-Monics

The 366th essay has posted! Essay 1098 on 陥 (to fall in; trap) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Collapsed land. The fall of a city in wartime. Defective cars. Holes in theories. Framing and trapping people. Becoming psychologically or economically depressed. With 陥 you can talk about all these things, as well as saying, “That eventually put him in a very awkward position,” “The news plunged people into distress,” and “Small businesses are feeling the squeeze of inflation.”

Also, Radical Note 104 on the "sickness" radical 疒 has posted. This resource is free!

Finally, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):

登 (360: to ascend)
留 (805: to keep in place)
澄 (1597: clear)
逓 (1618: to relay)
痘 (1654: smallpox)
瑠 (2135: lapis lazuli)


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