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Now Out: Essay 2032 on 蹴 (kick) and Radical Note 83 on 氏

The 451st essay has posted. Essay 2032 on 蹴 (kick) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Whether you’re a fan of soccer, martial arts, or cockfights, 蹴 is for you. The same is true if you want to talk about kicking a vending machine hard, kicking someone accidentally, a mule that kicks up dust, or a horse that kicks when anyone approaches from behind. With 蹴 you can also speak of rejecting demands, beating challengers, stamping on the floor in anger, and treating someone poorly.

I have also posted Radical Note 83 on 氏, the “clan” radical. See how this radical shape-shifts in three photos featuring 民 (590: people), and learn how 氏 (495: Mr.) etymologically connects to buttocks and hills.

Ulrike will return with more great mnemonics.


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