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Now Out: Essay 1946 on 柿 (persimmon) and 5 New-Monics

The 329th essay has posted! Essay 1946 on 柿 (persimmon) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Learn to say, “Some boys made off with all the ripe fruit on my persimmon tree.” Find out why a persimmon was named after a writing brush, which animal adores persimmons, and what a “persimmon house” might be! See what people go through to make persimmons edible, and discover how this fruit connects to a spicy snack, sushi, mochi, alcohol, tea, and skewers.

Using the accompanying game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it. 

Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics (which are free!):

謹 (1180: respect)
豪 (1271: strong)
詐 (1285: fraud)
緒 (1382: beginning)
畳 (1419: tatami)


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