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Now Out: Essay 1884 on 抑 (to suppress) and 6 New-Monics

The 487th essay has posted. Essay 1884 on 抑 (to suppress; lower) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Controlling your anger, your appetite, and even your rebellious monks—this kanji enables all of that to happen. Learn to say, “He stood by those who were oppressed,” “Jane could not stop her tears,” “Inflation is getting out of control,” “A sudden wave of nausea overpowered him,” and “He could no longer restrain himself,” as well as “He doesn't intonate when he speaks.” 

Also, Ulrike has created these new-monics, which are free:

犯 (768: crime)
弁 (786: speaking)
沿 (815: along)
勧 (828: to encourage)
勤 (842: diligence)
筋 (843: muscle)


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