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Now Out: Essay 1720 on 繁 (to thrive), 4 Revisions, and 6 New-Monics

The 485th essay has posted. Essay 1720 on 繁 (to thrive; bustling; frequent; complexity; a lot of; supply) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

The uplifting kanji 繁 is associated with thriving people, places, and plants. Learn to say, “The town has an air of prosperity,” “Your business is flourishing,” and “March is the busiest time.” Discover how 繁 connects to elaborate Chinese characters, and see how people use it to discuss frequency, as in, “Trains come more often than buses” and “Aspiring artists frequent this coffee shop.”

Also, revisions of these essays have posted:

Details are at the links. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download new versions for free.

Finally, Ulrike has created these new-monics, which are free:

遺 (808: to leave behind)
域 (809: area)
街 (819: town)
閣 (822: magnificent tall building)
株 (824: stock)
看 (827: to observe)


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