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Now Out: Essay 1230 on 弧 (arc), 4 Revisions, and 5 New-Monics

The 494th essay has posted. Essay 1230 on 弧 (arc) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

See what the Arc of Freedom and Prosperity represents. Learn to speak of balls that arc through the sky and curved island chains (e.g., the Ryukyu archipelago). Discover terms for parentheses (which are little arcs!), Japanese quotation marks, and various brackets in Japanese text. Find out how to say, “Abbreviate the parenthesized words” and “Put a word in each pair of parentheses.” 

Also, revisions of these essays have posted:

Details about the changes are at the links. If you've bought any of these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download the new versions for free.

Finally, Ulrike has created these new-monics, which are free:

検 (663: to examine)
雑 (687: miscellaneous)
独 (763: alone)
備 (774: to prepare)
評 (776: evaluation)


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