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Now Out: Essay 1070 on 慨 (to lament), 1 Revision, and 5 New-Monics

The 481st essay has posted. Essay 1070 on 慨 (to lament; resent) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

News stories can make one feel despair laced with outrage, and 慨 represents that mix as no English word does. This kanji helps to express broad concerns about the state of the nation or the “evils of the times,” while also conveying one’s indignation about being mistreated. Learn to say, “He deplores the frivolous trends of modern society” and “He resented his friend's behavior.”

A revision of essay 1633 on 斗 (dipper; 18 liters; "dots and cross" radical) has also posted. Check the link for details about the change. If you've bought this essay before or if you have a subscription, you can download a new version for free.

Finally, Ulrike has created these new-monics, which are free:

設 (731: to set up)
築 (751: to build)
宇 (811: universe)
皇 (861: emperor)
磁 (881: magnetic)


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