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Essay 2006 on 梗 (blockage; stem) Is Up

The 104th essay has posted! Essay 2006 on 梗 (blockage; stem) is now up and available for purchase. Here's a preview:

After learning multiple Japanese terms for "stroke," and two more for "heart attack," you'll impress yourself with your new ability to read medical text in Japanese. You'll also be able to understand the warnings on cigarettes. Then you'll take a major leap to the botanical world, contemplating the role of a particular flower in poetry, pop culture, and above all in family crests.

I have also issued new versions of two essays: essay 1072 on 概 (approximation; outline; general) and essay 1349 on 珠 (pearl; gem; bead) after making small revisions, as indicated on their Character Home Pages at the links.


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