Essay 1977 on 崖 (cliff) Is Now Out
The 140th essay has posted! Essay 1977 on 崖 (cliff, precipice) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Do you know what it means figuratively when the Japanese refer to being on a cliff's edge? Can you say that a car went off a cliff or that a cliff is vertical? Can you refer to a landslide with a compound containing 崖? Do you know where to find giant Buddhas carved from rock faces? Do you know which cliffs are famous in Japan and why? If you read the essay, you'll soon know all this!
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Several games for older essays have also become available:
essay 1183 on 駆 (to run (race); rush; ride a horse; drive (a machine); gallop; drive (something) off)
essay 1255 on 香 (fragrance, sweet smell; incense; perfume)
essay 1280 on 魂 (soul, spirit)
essay 1341 on 蛇 (snake, serpent; hard drinker)
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essay 1715 on 販 (marketing; selling)