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Essay 1470 on 井 (well; town) Is Now Up

Essay 1470 on 井 (well; town) is now up and available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Why have the Japanese worshipped well water, shouted down wells, and jokingly called the Edo era the "Ido" era? How do people use the shape of a well in everything from kimono cloth to business slang? How does 井 figure into economic and political discussions? Find out all of this and much more, including the role of wells in folktales, proverbs, and Haruki Murakami's fiction. 

Also, Radical Note 7 on 二, the "two" radical, is now up.

Finally, I've released yet another minor revision to the following essay:

Essay 1835 on 又 (again; and, also; on the other hand, or)

It seems appropriate that it means "again," as I've posted that essay again and again and again!


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