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Essay 1021 on 越 (to cross over) and 2 Radical Notes Are Up

The 108th essay has posted! Essay 1021 on 越 (to cross over; exceed, surpass; move; Vietnam) is now up and available for purchase. Here's a preview:

If you want to outdistance others, beat them to the punch, defer work till later, move to Kawagoe, climb over a wall, cross a mountain, be promoted over your boss, or simply excel, you'll need 越. It's also useful for violating borders and walking all over people. Finally, 越 enables you to cross into a new year—if you've taken the proper measures to welcome the New Year's gods.

Also, I've reissued essay 1848 on 滅 (to destroy, annihilate; cease to exist; ruin) after adding two photos.

Finally, Radical Note 156 on 走, the "running" radical, and Radical Note 187 on 馬, the "horse" radical, are now up.


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