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Now Out: Essay 2002 on 鍵 (key; lock) and 6 New-Monics

The 422nd essay has posted! Essay 2002 on 鍵 (key; lock) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Find out about lock picking made easy! Learn to determine when 鍵 represents the key to a door, a piano key, the key on a computer keyboard, or the key to a problem. Discover how to say, “She locked her jewels in the safe,” “Remember to lock the door,” “The room was locked,” “The door locks automatically,” “the key to success,” and “He's the person who holds the key to this case.”

Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics:

岩 (249: rock)
漁 (459: fishing)
競 (463: competition)
清 (517: pure)
浅 (525: shallow)
軒 (1215: eaves)


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