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Now Out: Essay 1759 on 譜 (musical score) and 5 New-Monics

The 405th essay has posted! Essay 1759 on 譜 (musical score; written record) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

This kanji primarily means “musical score,” and because every element in a musical staff is already a symbol, 譜 is a symbol of other symbols! Learn to talk about reading music and to say, “He played piano by ear.” Catch a startling glimpse of traditional musical notation in Japan. Also see why 譜 appears in terms for “genealogy” and “record of a board game,” as well as in biography titles.

Also, Ulrike created the following new-monics:

謙 (1222: humble)
繭 (1223: cocoon)
弧 (1230: arc)
娯 (1238: amusement)
坑 (1245: deep hole)


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