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Now Out: Essay 1343 on 酌 (to serve or drink alcohol), 1 Essay Revision, and 5 New-Monics

The 267th essay has posted! Essay 1343 on 酌 (to serve or drink alcohol; consideration for others) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Learn to say, “I channeled the composer’s intentions,” “I took over my late father’s shop because that’s what he would have wanted,” and “You should take his youth into account.” See what the Japanese infer about you when you pour your own drink, rather than letting another person do it. And find out how, if someone screws up, the Japanese say in a joking way, “Show no mercy!” 


Using the accompanying game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.

Also, a revision to the following essay has posted:

essay 1481 on 昔 (past; old times; long ago; ancient times; decade)

Details are at the link. If you've bought this essay before or if you have a subscription, you can download the new version for free.

Finally, Ulrike has produced the following new-monics (which are free!):

家 (83: house)
回 (86: to go around)
嫁 (1049: wife)
稼 (1055: earning money)
壇 (1571: platform)


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