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Now Out: Essay 1238 on 娯 (amusement) and 3 Radical Notes

The 479th essay has posted. Essay 1238 on 娯 (amusement, enjoyment) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Amusement is timeless, but 娯 has strong ties to past eras. Discover why, read about entertainment districts as different as day and night, and see which term for “hobby” has a negative nuance. Learn to say, “What's your favorite pastime?” “There are no forms of amusement in the village,” “This kind of amusement has no interest for me,” and “Playing Go is my only form of recreation.” 

In addition, these Radical Notes have posted:

  • Radical Note 174 on 青, the “blue” radical: Find out how 青 (43: blue) connects to a red mineral, see how the color blue led 静 (519: quiet) to mean what it does, and meet friendly blue devils from very different contexts.
  • Radical Note 175 on 非, the “negative” radical: Discover the surprising etymology of 非, which is on duty in 非 (773: not), and the counterintuitive Japanese name of this radical.
  • Radical Note 176 on 面, the “face” radical: Discover the etymology of 面 (395: face) and decipher the 面-related wordplay on a teacup.

These resources are free!

Ulrike will return with more great mnemonics.


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