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Now Out: Essay 1149 on 丘 (hill) and 6 New-Monics

The 486th essay has posted. Essay 1149 on 丘 (hill) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Learn to say, “The hills were covered with snow” and “He sledded down the hill.” See how 丘 differs from three other hill kanji. Find out about the Hill of Promises and Hill of Freedom. Discover the risk of sitting on a pipe as an unestablished couple. Take a crash course in volcanology. Investigate terms for round body parts. And see why noblewomen hired nuns to take the blame for farts! 

Also, Ulrike has created these new-monics, which are free:

歴 (606: history)
連 (607: to take along)
応 (622: response)
往 (623: going)
綿 (798: cotton)
領 (806: to take possession of)


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