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Now Out: Essay 1148 on 及 (to reach) and the Final 8 New-Monics!!!

The 497th essay has posted. Essay 1148 on 及 (to reach; attain; and) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Learn to talk about exerting influence, as in "Your advice will affect them," "Little did I dream of doing you any harm," and "Hosting the Olympics had various ripple effects." This includes the spread of TV and smartphones. Also discuss what is out of reach: "The problem was beyond my reach," "I can't hold a candle to Susan," and "Nature is beyond human control." Discover the nuance of the conjunction 及び via several signs.

Also, Ulrike has finished the mnemonics! What a massive accomplishment! Huge round of applause! These new-monics are the last ones:

修 (704: to improve oneself)
承 (713: consent)
称 (714: to call)
条 (716: written regulations)
状 (717: shape)
性 (723: innate quality)
銭 (734: money)
退 (746: to move backward)


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