Now Out: Essay 2133 on 侶 (companion) and 5 New-Monics
The 276th essay has posted! Essay 2133 on 侶 (companion) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Adults who are determined to be together for life, soulmates who reconnect with each reincarnation, pets who are steadfast companions—侶 brings us all that love, as well as the loss of love when death separates life partners. Find out how priests fit into the picture, see how one priest wants temples to be entertainment centers, and learn to say “sexual abstinence” and “secular burial.”
Using the accompanying game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Also, Ulrike has produced the following new-monics (which are free!):
歩 (202: to walk)
渉 (1399: to interrelate)
畝 (1468: ridge in field)
頻 (1745: frequency)
捗 (2069: to make progress)