Now Out: Essay 1720 on 繁 (to thrive), 4 Revisions, and 6 New-Monics - What's New

The 485th essay has posted. Essay 1720 on 繁 (to thrive; bustling; frequent; complexity; a lot of; supply) is now available for purchase....

Now Out: Essay 1941 on 賄 (bribe) and 6 New-Monics - What's New

The 484th essay has posted. Essay 1941 on 賄 (bribe; to provide (meals); supply) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Now Out: Mar. 2023 Newsletter: "Into the Zebra Zone" - What's New

The March newsletter "Into the Zebra Zone" presents recent essays, Radical Notes, contest information, and more! The newsletter contains these images,...

Now Out: Essay 1893 on 欄 (section of a printed page) and Two Revisions - What's New

The 478th essay has posted. Essay 1893 on 欄 (section of a printed page; blank field; handrail) is now available for purchase. Here's...

Now Out: Feb. 2023 Newsletter: "Letting Kanji Lead the Way" - What's New

The February newsletter "Letting Kanji Lead the Way" presents recent essays, Radical Notes, contest information, and more! The newsletter contains thes...

Now Out: Essay 1688 on 輩 (peer) and 5 New-Monics - What's New

The 476th essay has posted. Essay 1688 on 輩 (peer; generation; successively) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview: