Now Out: Essay 2045 on 羨 (envious) and "Sheep" Radical Note
The 151st essay has posted! Essay 2045 on 羨 (envious, jealous; to covet) is now available for purchase. Here's a preview:

Learn to say, "Anne is the envy of all her friends," "She could only stare at her slender friend enviously," and "It has a location anyone would envy." Find out how to talk about envying success or a new house, and learn the Japanese for things like "enviably beautiful skin" and "The Philippines is in an enviable position." Also discover the Buddhist equivalent of the 10 Commandments!
Using the accompanying Phrase Maze game on the Character Home Page, you can practice the vocabulary in the essay after reading it.
Two games for earlier essays have also become available:
essay 1743 on 浜 (beach, seashore; Yokohama)
essay 1749 on 怖 (fear; scary; afraid)
In addition, there are several new-monics:
路 (415: path)
旧 (648: old times)
矢 (981: arrow)
嫌 (1218: to dislike)
幻 (1226: illusion)
崎 (1297: cape)
寿 (1351: longevity)
刃 (1446: blade)
Finally, just in time for the Year of the Sheep I have posted Radical Note 123 on 羊, the "sheep" radical. Be sure to check out this free resource!