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Now Out: 5 Revisions and 5 New-Monics, Plus a Special Offer Continued

Happy New Year! While you're laying out your study plans for the year, it's a great time to take advantage of this special deal:

You can find out about the book on this part of the site, and you can subscribe from this page

Five essay revisions have posted:

essay 1128 on 鬼 (devil, demon; spirits of the dead, ghost; “devil” radical)
essay 1280 on 魂 (soul, spirit)
essay 1413 on 礁 (reef, sunken rock)
essay 1532 on 憎 (to hate, detest)
essay 1942 on 惑 (bewildered; to lead astray)

Click the links to find out about the details. If you've bought these essays before or if you have a subscription, you can download the new versions for free.

Also, Ulrike has produced the following new-monics (which are free!):

考 (117: to think)
社 (137: company)
送 (331: to send)
放 (391: to release)
倣 (1798: to imitate)


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